How to choose your skis?

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The 5 key elements for choosing your skis

Before renting or buying your pair of skis, it is convenient to know some determining elements that we look at in our equipment choice.

Knowing your ski level

The ski choice depends on your level. Beginner or experienced, the chosen skis do not have the same specifications. Each level corresponds with its ski pair. It is thus important to known your level and expectations well. We distinguish four levels.


These are your first slides. Maybe you’ll be more on your buttocks than on your skis. The green and blue slopes are your entertainment terrains.


A few holidays in the mountains are already behind you and you’re already familiar with the summits. You master the poles and the skis parallel in the turns. You already know the red slopes and dared flirting with the black slopes.


The majority of the slopes are no longer a secret for you. Blue, red, or black – you master them well and can get down the slopes with no problems.


Slaloms on the slopes, off-piste, this is your preference. Skiing does not have a lot of secrets for you.

Skiing, but which kind? Our advice

Like each level needs particular equipment, each practice also needs a specific adaptation. Each ski has its proper specifics.

On the slope

For an essential practice on the groomed slopes, we choose skis that have good adherence and are handy. We recommend skis that are quite cramped, active in a turn.

All Moutains

These skis are great for groomed slopes and its borders. Quite large (75 mm to 85 mm) and quite long, they offer a certain polyvalence and are really handy.


Do you want to go on the beaten track? Freeride skies are made for you. Large (more than 85 mm) and rocker (reversed arches) front and/or back, they allow you to float on snow in all freedom!


Of course, the ski choice depends on your level and the usage. But the size is just as important. Shorter skis are handier and thus more adapted to beginners. On the other hand, long skis assure more stability which is great for off-piste skiing.


Our weight has an impact on the choice of skis. A ‘lighter’ weight should look for more flexible skis to master them better. And vice versa.


Once we’re done choosing our skis, the choice of bindings is next. In fact, the bindings are the ones keeping the shoes to the skis in front and back of the feet. It has a system of resilience that opens in case of torsion of a fall. This avoids injuries. Bindings are regulated according to the skier, his morphology. Beginners get flexible bindings that can be taken off quickly in case of a fall.

Our advice for choosing skis

Once these elements have been taken into consideration, you can now make your choice!

Advice for on the slopes

On the slopes, if you’re a beginner, go for skis that are 10 cm shorter than your height. For intermediate skiers, 7 cm or less. The experienced ones should go with one that is 5 cm shorter than their height.

Advice All Mountain

For intermediate skiers, we recommend 5 cm shorter than the height. And for experienced skiers we recommend skis of their height.

Advice for off-piste

We don’t recommend beginners to go off-piste… For intermediates and experienced skiers we choose skis that are the same height as the skier.