Physical preparation for skiing

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Why to muscle up before the ski holidays

Skiing is predominantly a seasonal activity for the majority of us, with limited participation of around four weeks per year. Whether it’s alpine skiing, cross-country skiing, or snowboarding, these intense sports demand a heightened level of physical exertion. Consequently, they can potentially lead to injuries such as sprains, dislocations, and even tendonitis. These conditions often affect various muscle groups, including the upper limbs, abdominal region, and back muscles, which can result in lower back pain.

To prevent such accidents, it is crucial to engage in proper physical preparation. This entails focusing on specific areas of the body to build strength and endurance. By engaging in targeted exercises and conditioning routines, individuals can mitigate the risk of injuries and enhance their overall performance on the slopes. Prioritizing a comprehensive physical preparation routine will help ensure a safer and more enjoyable skiing experience.

Which parts of the body to muscle up before the ski holidays?

Préparation physique

Physical preparation

Sport activities are of course during the whole year recommended. We can start preparing our alpine holidays one month before. A general muscular reinforcement is recommended. We put the stress on the lower muscles same as joints.

Step 1: quadriceps

Quadriceps are the muscles situated lower than the thigh. They support a big part of body weight and let us walk.

Step 2: buttocks

The muscles in the buttocks let us walk, run, jump… and ski! It allows extension and rotation of the calves.

Step 3: hamstrings

The hamstrings are three muscles in the back of the calf, giving extension to the hip and flexion to the knee. It’s about the femoral biceps muscle, and other muscles, the poly-articular muscles. In the absence of stretching they can rip.

Step 4: cardio-vascular system

Other than reinforcing all muscles, we should not forget our cardio-vascular system. The mountain altitude lowers our oxygen rate. It is thus essential to work on our breathing.

Which exercises to do to prepare for skiing?


We repeat that physical activity is recommended for the whole year. We can start a specific preparation one month before skiing. Here are some simple exercises, doable at home or at the gym.



King of exercises, squats are ideal for reinforcing quadriceps. Legs slightly open and parallel, you slowly lower till your calves are parallel to the ground. Then you get up, always slowly. An exercise to repeat with a series of ten. Squats are also recommended to muscle up the buttocks.


Can be done at home or when walking, slots are an easy exercise. You put one foot in front and lean on it. The other foot stays behind with the essential weight on the front leg.


Standing, back pushed against the wall, feet parallel, arms up in front, you descend to have the calves parallel to the ground and keep this position for 15 to 20 seconds. Repeat 20 times.


Raising of the leg

To do while standing, on fours or lying on the side. Lying on the side, the back straight, raise your leg, while keeping the other on the ground. Repeat 10 times per leg.


Sheathing is an excellent way to tone up your buttocks. You sheathe on the ground on the back. Knees flexed and feet flat and parallel to the ground. You raise your body. You stay in this position for 5 to 10 seconds. Do this with series of 10.



Accessible for all those who have a chair… You lie down on the ground and hold the chair with the heel (knee folded 90%). You support the talon to take off from the ground. You maintain this position for a few seconds and release gently.

Raised leg

This exercise needs a weight or two bottles of water (full of course!). Standing, the feet slightly open, you put the weight on the ground. You then bend the chest to the front. Keeping a natural instep and supporting the legs. Once the weights reach mi-tibia, you shift the weight to the hamstring and buttocks.


We have said that a good physical condition needs a good cardio-vascular system. Try running a bit in the city or village.


Stretching is great for after sport. They are essential and not to be forgotten!


If you’re searching for a perfect exercise to prepare for ski, skating is great. Like ice skating.

And so you have it, you are ready for your skis. The only thing that remains is to cover yourself well!