Protections for snowboarders

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What are the essential protections when snowboarding?

Wearing a helmet

Wearing a helmet should be mandatory for all winter sports and more particularly snowboard because it is very easy to make a mistake and fall directly on your head without having time to put up your hands. It’s especially necessary for those who freeride or freestyle with amazing jumps. You should also see that your helmet is adapted for your head, not too big, not too small so you’ll be in all security and at ease.

Wearing goggles

Necessary to protect the eyes because in the mountain the sun’s reflection on the snow can have dramatic consequences. Better to prevent than to cure! What are the better masks? Firstly, you should choose UV adapted protection, for example, in general mountain the necessary index is 3 and in the high mountain the index is 4. Secondly, it should be airtight to avoid condensation on the glasses, we can regulate this with straps, not too tight. The mounting should also be quite flexible to be able to adapt to a helmet and/or medical glasses. Also very important, you should take into account the change in exterior lightning like when it is cloudy you should go with clear snowboard goggles, orange, yellow, or pink, and a dark color with a mirror screen when it is sunny. And finally, for your comfort, there should be enough foam to not let the skin suffer of pressure.

Gloves for snowboarding

When snowboarding wearing gloves is better than mittens, you would have more flexibility and it would be easier for your bindings for example. There are also special gloves for sport lovers. They should be water-resistant, breathable to avoid condensation and bad odors, solid and reinforced from the inside and to your forearm, to have maximum protection for your wrists. Because a common injury during snowboard is a wrist fracture, also, if you go with gloves that are sufficiently long with reinforcement you avoid severe injuries. For a beginner, it is wise to be advised by a professional to have optimal protection.

Elbow and knee protection

Snowboarding demands extensive body movement, engaging the entire physique. In the event of a fall, the elbows and knees are particularly susceptible to injuries, especially during rough landings. To mitigate such risks, wearing elbow and knee protections proves highly advantageous. These protective gears offer cushioning and support, reducing the likelihood of fractures, sprains, and related injuries. By utilizing these safeguards, snowboarders can enjoy a safer experience on the slopes while focusing on their skills and relishing the thrill of the sport.

Back protection

Back protection is not limited to motorbikers alone; it holds immense significance and is highly valued among snowboarders, particularly those who engage in freestyle and freeride disciplines. In these challenging styles, where high-speed falls and improper landings pose serious risks to the spinal column, back protection becomes indispensable. Understanding the various options is crucial, including short or long variants, those with suspenders, integrated back protection within vests or backpacks. Selecting the right one is imperative, akin to choosing a helmet—it must align with your body shape. An ill-fitting back protector, whether too long or too short, can have adverse effects during falls and potentially lead to injuries. Hence, it is essential to try out different options before making a purchase, ensuring optimal protection that suits your specific morphology.