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What is snooc?

Snooc is part of the new sport and fun activities that we can find in numerous winter sport resorts. It’s about one two-in-one equipment with spatulas and one chair that can provide new perspectives regarding snow. The snooc is thus a discipline of the type ‘seated ski’. It is the French Cyril Colmet Daage that invented this new equipment who was a ski instructor and guide in the mountains. Snooc has been commercialized since 2015 but was created in 2009.

Snooc is ideal for all skiers who are looking for a fun alternative to racquets and who lack some practice concerning snowshoeing. It’s about an activity that permits the feelings of snowshoeing but in a particularly original way. The equipment is also well suited for beginners and experienced skiers looking for new sensations. Everybody can try it, from 7 to 77 years!

Some explanation on the function of the engine is necessary before getting down the slopes. A specialized instructor is at the skiers’ disposition to teach the basics. The idea is to guard the two feet from the ground to keep a certain balance and to use the pelvis to move oneself on the track. To turn it is enough to lean oneself towards the slope, to rest one hand on the snow and the other on the handle.

What material do you need for Snooc?

Snooc is an equipment that is relatively light that does not weigh more than 1,8 to 2 kg, ideally transported in a backpack. It consists of your skis equipped with fixations and leather seals (which you use during the launch). It is also necessary to take walking shoes with you. Once arrived at the summit, it would suffice to click your skis on the leather fixations. The chair is of carbon and has a suspension that you can put in your bag. Putting it together does not take longer than some minutes and does not need other supplementary devices.

The costs for an activity like Snooc varies from one resort to the other. Hiring the equipment is around 18 euros for a half day and around 88 euros for a reservation for 5 days.

Where to snooc?

Among the renowned resorts that develop unusual winter activities, there is Serre Chevalier in the Hautes-Alpes. The resort develops the practice of Snooc, which is both an activity combining the pleasures of nature and thrills. Since 2016, Serre Chevalier widens access to snooc in the ensemble of the lift infrastructure.

Grand Bornard situated in the Savoy also provides snooc. Note also that it is also possible to practice this activity in the evening on one of the lighted slopes, the longest in Haute-Savoie.

Lans-en-Vercors, 30 minutes from Grenoble, also offers snooc. From 2 pm every day, professionals from the resort give an introduction to the curious on the teleski of Bachassons.