Taking your baby skiing

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Specialist holidays Companies like Baby Friendly Boltholes offer holidays tailored to suit young families. Packages can include nannies, chefs, baby hampers, toys, and other such helpful additions, taking a lot of hassle out of the experience. Round the clock care doesn’t come cheap, and dates of these Baby Weeks are limited, but if you’re looking for the simplest and easiest way to take your pre-schoolers with you then it’s an excellently run service. Kinderhotels are another good option, with locations across Austria and beyond, offering childcare and innumerable activities for young children.

Famille Plus
If you’re travelling within France, look for the Famille Plus label, a national tourism classification that recognizes excellence in child friendly resort facilities. Exclusively use in the mountains, a resort much impress on over 100 different criteria in order to achieve the award. These range from accommodation and amenities to entertainment and childcare. Though it technically celebrates resorts with facilities for children aged 18 months and older, it’s also a good indicator of where you’ll find the most appropriate for your baby or toddler.

Tag Team Parenting
If missing the opportunity to ski with your partner is a sacrifice you’re ready to make, consider the benefits of tag-team parenting. An increasing number of resorts are catering to parents, with ski passes that are valid for a fixed amount of time, so you’re not spending the afternoon playing with the kids and thinking about all the money you spent on your full day pass. If you have friends in a similar position, consider going as a group and rotating babysitting duties – two heads are better than one, but four heads wins every time.