5 reasons to wear a helmet this winter

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1. On a well-groomed piste a skier can reach an average speed of around 25mph. The average speed of trees, packed snow, and stationary humans, is 0mph. You don’t have to be a physicist to work out that the impact can be disastrous.

2. Over half of all skiers and snowboarders have had an injury on the slopes. Though advances in technology and safety precautions have dramatically reduced the number of serious injuries occurring on the slopes in recent years, the fact remains that both skiing and snowboarding are dangerous sports.

3. The most common reason given for not wearing a helmet is habit. This is a trend being combatted by the ski schools and initiatives encouraging helmet usage, and the majority of wearers are subsequently the younger demographic. The biggest problem is established skiers who haven’t worn a helmet before and see no reason to start.

4. More than two thirds of ski/snowboard related concussive head injuries are from people not wearing helmets. A helmet doesn’t make you immune, but it does make you less likely to be hospitalised due to head trauma.

5. If measured and fitted properly, a helmet should not be uncomfortable or impair your vision too much. Remember to measure around your head and above your eyebrows.