Booking daycare in the resorts

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Nurseries are for families that have young children who need supervision during the ski holidays. They can be booked in advance so you can make use of them the moment you arrive.

When to book?

To make sure you have a place it is recommended to contact the nursery before you finalize your booking. The places are limited so it`s best to make sure they have availability.

How to book?

To book a place in the nursery, there are many offers: when you know what you want you can easily make a choice. Check what the nurseries are offering and book accordingly.

What do do in the resort?

Once you have arrived on the in the resort and have visited your accommodation go to the nursery to get to get a better overview of the organization: opening hours, etc.


The kindergarten is a structure that is adapted for children that aren’t that young. There is a team of animators that look after them during the day and who offer fun activities when their parents are on the slopes.

When to book?

Like the nursery it is ideal to book it before your holidays. In this way, you will have a higher chance to have an available place for you child. If you are not sure about the precise days, ask the kindergarten: they will be able to help you.

How to book?

To book a place it suffices to simply book a stay (Don’t hesitate to ask for a list of establishments that are available in the resort you are staying).

What do to in the resort?

Once your luggage are handled go to the kindergarten or call them to tell them you have arrived and you want to see the organization. This way, you can get to know at what time they are able to welcome your child and you can go enjoying the slopes!

Home care

Home care is also available for families that want to ski. The concept has numerous advantages for your planning: availability, flexibility and time saving.

When to book?

The right moment to book is always as soon as possible: when you have your dates of holidays and the resort you can book the service. The earlier you book the higher the chances you will find something for you child.

How to book?

To benefit from a service at home you should check with your accommodation and ask about it. They will tell you about the procedure.

What to do in the resort?

The service depends on the situation: when you arrive, contact the service.