Enjoy in the best conditions

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How to take care of your body during your ski stay?

1. Warm up before your first descents

Do you think of starting a marathon without having done some warming-up exercises? It is the same for skiing! Going into the cold when you’re cold is dangerous for your body and you risk spoiling the rest of your stay. Start your day by warming up your thigh muscles and calves, very much used in your descents. Warm up your back and neck. Once you’re warmed up you can welcome the slopes!

2. Stretching at the end of the day

Your muscles have suffered during the whole day. To avoid muscle pain the next day and a difficult night think of stretching after taking off your skis. The après ski can wait some more minutes for you.

3. Do some muscle exercises

In the evening, before dinner, do some muscular exercises. Your abdominal ceinture is very important to avoid serious falls.

4. Sleeping well

Sleep is the key to recovery. Even if you party until the early morning, if you want to ski without accidents the next day, plan a 7-hour sleep to repair your muscles and nervous system. Fatigue on the slopes is dangerous for you as well as for other skiers.

5. Hydration

Don’t forget to drink enough. When you’re cold and you’re having fun you can forget to drink. Plan some sips on each lift ride.

Follow the security rules on the slopes

1. Priority for the skier below

You are responsible for the skier beneath you. It is up to you to leave a secure distance and overtake by leaving enough space.

2. Control your speed

You have the right to go fast but you can only do this if you know how to stop quickly and if you are capable to adapt your route in a fraction of a second.

3. Control your route

When we ski once a year we sometimes have the tendency to let the skis out of control from time to time. Attention: you must remain in control of your direction for every second because an accident happens fast.

4. Descending the right slopes

Don’t go down a red or black slope if you are a beginner. You risk having a serious accident or cause injury to skiers other than you.

5. Following the rules on the cableway

On a cableway, always lower the protection bar and secure yourself to not get off until the panels indicate you. Warn a service agent if you have difficulties descending or if you accompany a child.

Avoiding accidents during your holidays

1. Wearing a helmet

This is an important protection. By protecting your head, you assure to not sustain a serious shock to the head, same with a significant fall.

2. Wearing gloves

Skiing with thick gloves let you maintain your body temperature but mostly to protect your fingers. If you come to fall and a skier could not avoid you completely, if you are not wearing gloves, his skis could cut your fingers.

3. Protecting the children

When you go skiing with the family make sure there is always an adult below and up. Let your kid wear colorful clothes so you can see them from afar.

4. Don’t go off-piste

The off-piste slopes are ungroomed and unmarked slopes. The ski insurances don’t cover off-piste accidents. You put yourself in danger by exposing yourself to an uncontrolled landscape without being under the supervision of the responsible of the ski domain.

5. Don’t drink alcohol on the slopes

Don’t put others in danger by getting your senses limited. That would be very irresponsible.

Eat well during your ski holidays

1. Breakfast

It’s the most important meal of the day. Don’t do a winter mountain activity without having eaten well.

2. Lunch

This is your break during the day. Profit by eating well, not too much and to rest well.

3. Dinner

This will help you to recover during the night and bring you strength for the next day. Don’t skip it and don’t eat lightly. Vegetable soup is not enough for winter sports!

4. Snacks

Think of taking granola bars or cookies with you to consume when feeling tired during the day.

5. Eat healthy

The most important is to don’t eat too much and to not eat poorly. Eat enough sugar. Crozets and raclette have the necessary sugars to make your body function well. Eat fibers, proteins and vitamins to stay in shape.

Wearing well during your ski holidays

1. The onion way

To be sure not to be too warm or too cold, wear 4 items: under sweater, sweater, jacket, and waterproof parka. You can take off layers according to your body temperature.

2. Hat

It protects your ears from the icy wind on the slopes. Get a polartec one and be sure that it covers your ears.

3. Scarf

Go for a woolen scarf for cold days or synthetic one for mild days. Ski with your neck exposed and you catch a cold for sure.

4. Gloves

They protect you from the cold, humidity, falls and skis of other skiers. Choose one from Gore-Tex.

5. The fabrics

Forget cotton, it doesn’t breathe and doesn’t dry. Think of synthetic fabrics or natural wool. The point is to keep your body dry.