How to maintain your body after a ski holiday?

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How to keep the benefits from your ski holidays?

Here are 10 exercises that help your whole body:

1: Legs, 3 times 20:

The legs slightly opened, standing, you alternate flexion of the legs, keeping the back straight. You can also do the slots before, by flexing each leg in the front to your knee and the other leg touches the ground.

2: The calves:

The back straight, on the wall, take a position like sitting on a chair and rest 2 times for 30 seconds. You can make it more complex by using weights like for example a bottle of water in each hand.

3: The buttocks, 3 times 30:

Along your back, arms to your body, the two legs bent, push up the pelvis in a way that the body and the pelvis make a straight line. Tight up the buttocks and count to 10 and slowly return to the initial position.

4: Sheathing:

The abdomen being used during your stay, it is essential to follow your efforts by doing some sheathing. Place yourself on the ground on fours, supported by the elbows. Once the legs are supported by the point, you loosen slowly and maintain the position.

5: Reinforcing the lumbars:

Always on the ground, on the belly, you have the possibility to reinforce your lumbars by the calves and chest at the same time. Do 3 series of 20.

6. Squats:

This exercise is known over the whole world, the squat is a global exercise that allows you to work on the most important parts of the body like the legs, buttocks, abdomen, hip and arms. When standing, the back straight and the legs on the same line as the shoulders. Then, bend the 2 legs while putting your buttocks behind. The arms are put in front of you, the weight of your body on your heels not on your feet. To keep balance, close the abdomen and push your torso forward. Repeat 3 series of 15 and higher the number to your liking.

7. Triceps, 3 series of 10

A good exercise, that doesn’t demand other material and that muscles p the triceps and strengthens the pecs, is the movement of pumping. Hands tight, spread, legs heightened there are numerous ways for this exercise that stimulate the arms significantly.

8. Biceps

This allows you to strengthen the force in the arms. In general, using weights is recommended, but there are also exercises you can do at home. Tractions are an excellent exercise to work on your back, arms, and shoulders. It suffices to have a traction bar or a tree branch and lift your body until your head goes up the bar, get down slowly and repeat the exercise. Try doing 5 when beginning.

9: Snow racquets:

An excellent training to stay in shape in winter is to use snow racquets. This activity can be done for all ages and betters breathing, protecting the heart and letting the whole body work.

10: Sports

Globally all sports notably running or swimming are recommended to make your holidays very enjoyable.